Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum
How to sow pearl millet: Direct seed outdoors once soil is 20° C (broadcast, drill, rows)
Sun requirement for pearl millet: Plant in Full Sun
Pearl Millet has been planted 1 time by Growstuff members.
Pearl Millet is the most widely grown type of millet. It is a summer annual crop native to West Africa, and can tolerate harsh conditions like drought, flood, high temperature, and low soil fertility. Pearl Millet has grains that are 3-4 mm in length - they are the largest kernels of all the types of millet. Kernels can be pale yellow, gray, brown, off-white, slate blue, or purple. Pearl Millet can be grown as an ornamental, green manure, and forage crop for livestock (use dwarf varieties, which have more foliage).

living and reproducing in a single year or lessHeight
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