
parsnip Avon resister Parsnip Avon Resister

How to sow parsnip Avon resister: Direct Sow in Spring, evenly sprinkling over 1-2 square metres of the finely worked garden bed. Cover with an old sheet or 70% shade cloth to encourage seed germinations and to prevent weeds from germinating before parsnips.

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Possibly an early commercial variety in New Zealand, if not then it is an older New Zealand heritage variety, kept alive in the South Island in recent years, passed to Koanga Institute by Henry Harrington. It is extremely rare and unavailable elsewhere as far as we know. It’s an easy to grow, classic looking parsnip that tastes great. Grows well all over New Zealand.

Image of parsnip Avon resister



living and reproducing in a single year or less


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How to grow parsnip Avon resisters

parsnip Avon resister is a variety of parsnip

Scientific names

None known.

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