
Olive Herb Santolina rosmarinifolia

How to sow olive herb: Direct seed indoors and transplant out or use cuttings

Sun requirement for olive herb: Plant in Full Sun

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Olive Herb or Holy Flax is an aromatic, evergreen flowering shrub in the Asteraceae (Daisy) family. The plant is dense and compact and has narrow, green leaves and dense, button-like yellow flowerheads. It is distantly related to rosemary, which it bears a mild resemblance to. Olive Herb thrives in full, hot sun, is drought-tolerant, and can survive at temperatures as low as -17° C. It is commonly used as a ground cover or ornamental plant, although plants get leggy and open-centered as they age.

Image of olive herb



living and reproducing in a single year or less






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How to grow olive herb

Scientific names

Santolina rosmarinifolia

Alternate names

holy flax

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