Buttercrunch Lettuce
How to sow buttercrunch lettuce: Direct seed outdoors, thin to 20cm when seedlings are 3cm tall
Sun requirement for buttercrunch lettuce: Plant in Partial Sun
Buttercrunch Lettuce has been planted 1 time by Growstuff members.
Buttercrunch (also known as Butterhead, Bibb, and Boston lettuce) is a lettuce cultivar that produces tightly clustered leaves with a buttery flavor and smooth texture. Lettuce is a cool weather crop and high temperatures will impede germination and/or cause the plant to bolt (go to seed quickly). Some hybrid cultivars have been bred to be more heat-resistant.

living and reproducing in a single year or lessMedian lifespan
12 weeksHeight
30cmRow Spacing
40cmGrowing Degree Days
Planted from
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Scientific names
None known.
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