Kaffir Lime Citrus x hystrix
How to sow kaffir lime: Grafting or direct seed
Sun requirement for kaffir lime: Plant in Full Sun
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The Kaffir, or Makrut, Lime is an evergreen thorny bush or small tree native to tropical Asia that is grown for its fruit and as an ornamental. It produces rough, bumpy limes 4cm in diameter that mature from green to yellow. The Makrut Lime is in the Citrus family and related to oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. The plant has white flowers, some thorns, and distinctive "double leaves" that look like two leaves grown together. The fruit is bitter and has little juice. The rind, peel, and leaves are used in Southeast Asian cuisine. The whole fruit is candied in Cambodia. Essential oil from the rind and crushed leaves is used in perfumes and cosmetics. The Makrut Lime requires a tropical to sub-tropical climate with abundant rainfall. It can only survive short, mild frosts down to 0° C. Dwarf varieties, which grow to 1.5 m, can be planted in containers if kept in a sunny window and taken outside while temperatures are consistently above 15.5° C. Standard trees planted outside can grow to 4.5 m.
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