Citron Citrus medica
How to sow citron: Cuttings or young tree
Sun requirement for citron: Plant in Full Sun
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Citron is a large, fragrant, lumpy citrus fruit with a thick green to yellow rind and a fragrance that combines lemons and violets. It is native to Southeast Asia and is one of the four original citrus fruits (the others are pomelo, mandarin and papeda), from which all other citrus types developed or were hybridized. The fruit grows on a slow-growing shrub or small tree. Unlike other citrus fruits, citron's primary culinary use is it's thick white rind, which is often candied (and added to fruitcakes). Citron's pulp is quite dry and the little juice it does have is not very flavorful. The juice is high in Vitamin C and was historically used to treat seasickness, pulmonary ailments, intestinal issues, and scurvy. Citron is susceptible to root rot and trees are often grown in clay pots to prevent rot.

living and reproducing in a single year or lessHeight
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