I really should've got started on winter planting sooner, I think. Everything in the garden is in a lull right now. Although people near me are still blogging about the last of their crops from summer, all we have still going are some chillis and some basil. Lots of things died…
Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
How to sow celeriac: Seed indoors, then transplant outside into soil
Sun requirement for celeriac: Plant in Full Sun
Celeriac has been planted 4 times by Growstuff members.
Celeriac is a large root that develops at soil level and looks like a textured turnip. It is topped with curly leaves. Celeriac root has a flavor similar to celery (they are in the same family) and is delicious in soups, stews, and casseroles. Because it is a root vegetable, it can be stored for months.

Celeriac crops
Celeriac plantings
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What people are saying about celeriac
How to grow celeriac
Alternate names
turnip-rooted celery
knob celery
celery root
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