Avocado Persea americana
How to sow avocado: Grafted sapling
Sun requirement for avocado: Plant in Full Sun
Avocado has been planted 5 times by Growstuff members.
The avocado is a tree native to South Central America that produces large edible berries with rippled green to black skin that are egg or pear-shaped. There are three main groups of avocado: Mexican, Guatemalan, and West Indian, with Mexican avocados being the most cold-tolerant. Avocados are a subtropical species and need a frost-free climate with little wind. They will not produce fruit outside of tropical climates, but they can be grown as evergreen ornamentals. Avocados grown from seed rarely produce fruit because they are only partially self-pollinating. For a fruiting tree, plant a grafted sapling in a subtropical climate.
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