Amelanchier Amelanchier
Amelanchier has been planted 1 time by Growstuff members.
Amelanchier is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, growing primarily in early successional habitats. It is most diverse taxonomically in North America, especially in the northeastern United States and adjacent southeastern Canada, and at least one species is native to every U.S. state except Hawaii and to every Canadian province and territory. Two species also occur in Asia, and one in Europe. The taxonomic classification of shadbushes has long perplexed botanists, horticulturalists, and others, as suggested by the range in number of species recognized in the genus, from 6 to 33, in two recent publications.[4][5] A major source of complexity comes from the occurrence of hybridization, polyploidy, and apomixis (asexual seed production), making species difficult to characterize and identify.[6]

living and reproducing in a single year or lessPhotos
Amelanchier crops
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Planted from

Chinese serviceberry
downy serviceberry
inland serviceberry
lovely shadbush

low shadbush
mountain serviceberry
Nantucket serviceberry
red-twigged shadbush
smooth shadbush
snowy mespilus

thicket shadbush
Utah serviceberry
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