Acuyo Piper auritum
How to sow acuyo: Cuttings
Sun requirement for acuyo: Plant in Partial Sun
Acuyo has been planted 2 times by Growstuff members.
Acuyo, Hoja Santa, or Root Beer Plant, is an aromatic herb with heart-shaped, velvety leaves that is native to tropic Mesoamerica. It's leaves can grow up to 30cm or more in size. It has a complex flavor that has been compared to eucalyptus, sassafras, licorice, nutmeg, anise, mint, nutmeg, and black pepper. Younger stems and veins have a stronger flavor. Acuyo is used in Mexican cuisine for tamales, and fish and meat are wrapped in it's leaves for cooking. It is a key ingredient in mole verde. It can also be used in dried form, although the flavor is significantly reduced by drying.
Acuyo crops
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How to grow acuyos
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