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the appropriation of poor skills

by geeksdoitbetter,

OooOo will this be a real link?

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Tomatoes gone wild

by oakandsage,

So I have three volunteer tomatoes around where the Sunsugar was last year, and I didn't have much else there so I figured I'd just let them grow and see what happened. They've got small yellow fruit slightly larger than that of Sunsugar, but just barely - but it's sort of irregular. Not as irreg…

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How do I know when carrots are ready?

by FedericoMenaQuintero,

Lacking X-ray vision, you know. Even if I dig a little with my finger and the top seems the normal diameter, it may be that the whole root is not ready yet. But how can I tell?

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Basil is flowering - how do I save seeds?

by FedericoMenaQuintero,

All of our basil plants are flowering. How do I go about collecting / saving seeds from them? Are they like onions where you do the wrap-flower-in-plastic-bag trick?

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Goji not a listed plant?

by abbz,

Just a thought:)

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Chinotto Orange...what to do?

by abbz,

I have been growing a chinotto shrub in a large planter…i have never seen a fruit off a big tree so I have no idea how big or small they should be…anyone who has grown this?

Also what do you do with the oranges?

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Planting chilli peppers in Growstuff

by dasbero,

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to enter all the plants I'm growing this year and I've run into a bit of trouble, because I don't know the name for what I would call chilli peppers ("Peperoni" in German). I looked for "chilli", "pepper", "capsicum" in the list, but now I'm out of ideas.


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Crossposting to social media using IFTTT

by Skud,

If this, then that (IFTTT) is a service that lets you glue together different online services. I just set up an IFTTT recipe to tweet whenever I post something here on Growstuff, and I'm about to set up recipes to tweet when I plant things or list seeds available for trade. I'…

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Handling and storage of freshly picked plums

by oakandsage,

My landlady's plum tree is loaded with almost-ripe plums, light purple but still hard. The birds are going to town. In order to ensure that we get to eat some of the plums, we're picking buckets and boxes full.

Is it better to wash the plums right away, or to leave them unwashed until ready …

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We've started!

by fe2h2o,

We moved to a new house 3 months ago. It's been winter-y. But today we've finally got out and done some stuff!

(Well, I guess a couple of weeks ago we started, I advertised some palms and box hedges on freecycle, and someone collected the lot. And we transplanted one of the many rosemary bush…

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Napier, New Zealand apartment garden suggestions

by Michelle,

We are moving from Norway to Napier New Zealand. While we do not have anywhere to live yet. By looking at the market it looks like we will be living in an apartment. There is a moderate sized balcony only on most.

What would you suggest would be the best plants to grow?

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by oakandsage,

I harvested the black eyed peas today. Not sure how many plants I have (it's kind of a tangle because they're in with the melons) but I think only 1 or 2 and the other 2 are yard long beans. I got just enough black eyed peas to make a little Side dish sized bowl of peas with onions. Pretty tasty…

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