There are sprouts! The mustard spinach is starting to appear in The Nursery. The red kale, wild arugula, and marjoram are still pending, but I'm very pleased to have some sort of seedling action going on.
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Garden-level photos
by vmbrasseur,
Currently it appears I can only add planting-level photos. My garden is so small one photo covers the entire thing, so I'd be posting the same photo for each planting.
Would it be possible to get photos at the garden level?
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New Feature/UX: Add "Plant something" to planting summary page
by vmbrasseur,
I've just planted my (tiny, maybe ill-fated, but still mine) container garden on my balcony.
So I click "Plant" on the home page, fill in the resulting form, and am presented with a nice summary of the crop I just planted.
The problem is that I have 6 different crops to log/plant. It's not…