
Everyone's gardens

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Displaying gardens 901 - 936 of 1084 in total

Perennials: spearmint spearmint

No annual plantings

owner: krh krh Herb Barrel
Perennials: chives chives oregano

No annual plantings

owner: GoatLady GoatLady Herb Garden
Perennials: catnip lemon balm lemon balm mint mint

No annual plantings

Perennials: garlic chives garlic chives

No annual plantings

Perennials: oregano

No annual plantings

owner: henwife henwife Herb Garden
Perennials: lavender parsley thyme thyme

not enough data on French sorrel to predict
owner: llemar97 llemar97 Hide House Community Garden

No perennial plantings

not enough data on collard greens to predict
Perennials: oregano

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: mcguinty mcguinty Home Garden Redmond Zone 8B

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

owner: Cesy Cesy House plants
Perennials: aloe vera aloe vera mint mint

No annual plantings

Perennials: fuji apple fuji apple chives chives

not enough data on bitter melon to predict

not enough data on okra to predict
Perennials: sage sage

No annual plantings

Perennials: New Jersey blueberry New Jersey blueberry blueberry blueberry

not enough data on Northern blueberry to predict

not enough data on lowbush blueberry to predict
owner: Spider Spider Hydroponics
Perennials: strawberry strawberry

No annual plantings

Perennials: perpetual spinach

No annual plantings

Perennials: rosemary rosemary

not enough data on stevia to predict
Perennials: flat leaf parsley artichoke artichoke

not enough data on luffa to predict

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

No perennial plantings

not enough data on hibiscus to predict
owner: shiny shiny indoor plants
Perennials: peppermint peppermint catnip ginger ginger

shiitake mushroom shiitake mushroom
harvesting now
not enough data on shiitake mushroom to predict
Perennials: orange

No annual plantings

owner: sarit sarit Indoors
Perennials: flat leaf parsley

No annual plantings

owner: Meg Meg Indoor seedling trays

No perennial plantings

harvesting now
not enough data on rapini to predict

not enough data on dandelion to predict

not enough data on turnip to predict
owner: cfarm cfarm Indoor seed starts
Perennials: thyme thyme

No annual plantings

owner: nixw nixw indoors garden
Perennials: parsley mint mint avocado

No annual plantings

owner: wisebird wisebird Inside the fence

No perennial plantings

not enough data on chickweed to predict
owner: tiki19 tiki19 Kid-friendly pot garden
Perennials: ginger ginger

not enough data on turmeric to predict
owner: Okuku Okuku Kitchen garden

No perennial plantings

kale kale
super late
Mar 2024

Dec 2023
owner: torosch torosch Kitchen Garden
Perennials: pineapple sage

not enough data on shiso to predict
owner: esd esd Kitchen Garden

No perennial plantings

No annual plantings

Displaying gardens 901 - 936 of 1084 in total