
Front Lawn Food Forest

This garden is inactive.

I'm converting my sunny, east-facing lawn into a food forest. We ripped out our standard garden hedges and have begun to creep modules of food forest out, one little patch at a time. Right now, the zucchini and tomatoes have taken over, but I'm hopeful that my perennials will establish themselves and become more visually striking in a few seasons.

We planted dwarf navel orange, dwarf Asian pear, dwarf pear, chocolate mint, rosemary, creeping thyme, artichoke, nasturtium, zucchini, beefsteak tomatos, garden beans, pumpkin, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, lavender, sage, white clover, red geranium, pink geranium, shasta daisy, evening Mexican primrose, two blueberry bushes, five basil plants, watermelon, eggplant, wildflowers, and sunflowers.

I can't get the sunflowers to grow. Any tips? Also, my two-year-old is obsessed with the eggplant.

Current plantings in garden

Nothing is currently planted here.

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Previously planted in this garden

Nothing has been planted here.

photo of this garden

About this garden

Owner: Mshathvri

Location: Livermore, California, USA

Area: 800.0 square feet

Mshathvri's gardens

Inactive gardens