This garden is inactive.
Permaculture principles applied as property allows for it: 45x fruit trees, many if which are diy grafted and grafted additional types on to save room and broaden variety and harvest times. Many perennials, berries and vegetables, also many annuals allowed to flower and go to seed. Rainwater harvesting in barrels and soil via Hugelkultur bed ( water stored in wood buried inside), 80% of kitchen vegetable and manual dishwashing water recycled in native corner. First serious attempt to cultivate Shi Take, still in waiting phase for harvesting.
Current plantings in garden
Nothing is currently planted here.
Current activities in garden
Nothing is currently planned here.
Previously planted in this garden
purple carrot
About this garden
Owner: Ellen
Collaborators: None
Location: Auckland, New Zealand, 1025
Area: 685.0 square metres
Ellen's gardens
Inactive gardens
- Garden